ARCHIMEDES -The Savior behind the Scientist .


                                              ARCHIMEDES-  The Savior behind the Scientist .

Generally The name of one greatest scientist Archimedes , always reminds us two pictures - one tough book of Physics , where ' The principles of fluid and flow " is described and that is really hard to realize and next one is quite imaginative - a half naked and wet  elderly person is running on the road and shouting , ' Eureka ' which means ' got it ' in Greek language . 
This is the most common concept about Archimedes to us . 
But the most interesting fact is that , in the bathtub , he only got his supporting clues to his ongoing work .  His main duty was to justify the net weight and purity of the golden crown of the king of Syracase . It  was a tough job as he had to do it without damaging the shape and design . 
He dropped the crown into the water and measured the displaced water . He leveled the equality of the crown and displaced water to get the volume and then devided the mass and got the density . 
That was the basic task , and the final experiment was done on own body and it was concluded as ' The Principle of fluid and force ' . 

Apart from this theory , Archimedes was a great Inventor , Philosopher , Thinker , physicist , Mathematician ,  and he invented Water Screw , which is famous screw pump or Archimedes Screw , The Odometer ( the first mechanical way to calculate the journeyed distance ) , developed the 'compound Pully '  to transfer the energy , developed the ' Proper Block and Tackle ' system for sailors to deal with heavy load , ' Laws of Lever ' , 'Geometrical shapes ' .------ but these are not everything about Archimedes ,  whose father ' Phidias ' was a famous astronomer of Alexandria , which was the cultural capital ancient Greece . 

Archimedes wrote his name at the age 70 in the history of Greece as a Savior of the state in the war against Romans . Many historians call it " A fight between a Roman General and Greek  Scientist ". 
In 218 B.C , when the 2nd Punic war started between Syracase  and Romans ,  Archimedes was called by the state to resist the Roman aggression from sea side . 
He developed one after one design and shapes of Catapults and almost everywhere in city he placed them , so that any moving Roman ships could be attacked from every points to damage the the ships in massive form . Numberless Roman ships were heavily damaged in the middle of sea . 

But that was not all . He then designed level 2 crane and placed them in the sea line . These cranes were extremely powerful with pully system to hack the ships and made out of water - in hanging position so that the Greek may destroy the hanging ships very easily . 

Thus the great scientist served his nation at his 70 and resisted The Roman for 6 months . 
That's why The Roman Commander tributed him with one special remark , " Archimedes uses my ships to ladle sea water into his wine cups' . 

                   2) HISTORY EXTRA BY DR MICHAEL SCOT - 2016-14 NOV - PUBLICATION. 

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