Rising of global poverty among the common


Rising of global poverty among the common

Though the issue of wealth gap between poor and the rich sectorial people has always been an untold and unfolded chapter of our human civilization and it's history. but during these days among many common and global burning issues , it is placed on the high . Through many ways and activities with different perspectives , numerous efforts have been practiced to reduce the growing global provery, but the ultimate gapbetween rich and poor has only widened over the years. The common people have continued the hardcore experience to get poorer days after days with the cycle of proverty . In this essay, we will try to explore some of the reasons why this is happening and how does it impact on society?

One of the very basic reasons for what , the common people are getting poorer is the rising cost of living for all classes of people . Over the past few decades, basic education, and healthcare or health insurance , basic medical treatment , house rent , legal services - almost everything has skyrocketed, making it increasingly difficult for people to make ends meet through the most illogically logical terms and conditions of the overall development of the society . According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of living has risen by more than 50% since 1990, while wages have only increased by about 25%. This means that people are spending more money on necessities like food, housing, and healthcare, leaving them with little to no disposable income.

Another contributing factor to the increasing poverty among the common people is the decline of good-paying jobs , There are numberless evidenses of dirty coprotocracy , white colour crime and growing power of money of the few little people . Local market and enterprenours are dying and the stock market is flodding .

Along with the demand of time and situation , many industries have evolved and shifted, many low-skilled jobs have been outsourced or automated, leaving many people without a means to earn a living wage, on the same way , the greedy corporate world and corruptted policies , taken by the state power are loosing the basic defination of loyality , morality , and ethical causality of human beings . Both the state power and majority of the industrialists are escaping even from their legal liabilities . This has resulted in a decrease in the number of well-paying jobs available to the common people, forcing many to take low-paying jobs with little job security .

The lack of access to proper education and job oriented training is also a significant factor in this increasing poverty of the common people. Many high-paying jobs require advanced education and specialized training, which is often out of reach for low-income individuals even after having the talent , dedication and ability , just because of the misleading education policy and lack of proper will power in the social welfare program , conducted by most of The Govt , throughout the world .

In fact , in reality , most of the state power of today's world are almost failed to make and proper application of any proper economical , socio-economical , cultural economy and finally a fully developing policy , that suits the common properly . Rather in most of the cases , we see the people to have more and more , who actually has already , more than the deserving amount . On the other hand the deserving sector of common are being deprived from their very basic and ultimate needs . Proverty among the global common is not just a question . But it indicates to a global financial breakdown .

Without access to latest education and proper training, these individuals are stuck in low-paying jobs with limited opportunities for advancement. This perpetuates the cycle of poverty, making it difficult for people to escape from poverty and build a better life for themselves and their families. So very pathetically , even after the hard effort and dedication , a sectorial people are acting like breathless one in a capped bottle .

Another contributing factor to the increasing poverty of the common people is the lack of access to affordable healthcare. Healthcare costs , cost of health insurance , medical treatment have risen dramatically in recent years, making it increasingly difficult for people to access necessary medical care. The way pollution , degradation of climatic change , unhealthy and fast lifestyle are increasing the chances of both temporrary and chronic illness , on the other hand basic needs of proper hygine and heathcare , medical treatment , proper nutrition and physical development are being like daydream to majority of the population . Many people are unable to afford health insurance or must choose between paying for healthcare and other basic necessities. This results in people delaying necessary medical treatment or forgoing it altogether, which can lead to more serious health problems and additional financial burden down the road.

The rising cost of higher educatoin is also a significant factor in the increasing poverty of the common people. According to the College Board, the average cost of tuition and fees for a four-year degree at a public university degree has more than doubled over the past two decades. This has made it increasingly difficult for low-income individuals to access higher education, which can lead to limited job opportunities and perpetuate the cycle of poverty.

Additionally, the high cost of housing is a significant contributor to the increasing poverty of the common people. In many urban areas, the cost of living is so high that even people with steady employment and a middle-class income struggle to afford basic housing. This forces many people to live in substandard or overcrowded housing, which can lead to a range of health and social problems.

The increasing poverty of the common people has numerous negative impacts on society. As poverty rates continue to rise, it can lead to a wide range of social problems, including increased crime rates, reduced social mobility, and decreased economic growth. Poverty can also lead to a range of health problems, including higher rates of chronic diseases and mental health issues.

Furthermore, poverty can also have an impact on the education system. Students from low-income households are more likely to struggle academically and have lower graduation rates. This can perpetuate the cycle of poverty, making it difficult for individuals to escape from poverty and build a better life for themselves and their families.



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